Courage Harmony Integrity

Welcome to Marion Primary School

At Marion Primary School, we are committed to developing confident, responsible, independent learners who contribute successfully to their future. We support all students to develop personal excellence whilst continuously learning and showing care and respect for each other and the environment. Our positive school culture ensures staff, students and parents work together to achieve continuous improvement. We are dedicated to constantly improving teaching and learning, with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, for all students.

We cultivate our students’ resilience in a safe, supportive and respectful environment. Student Voice is actively fostered through Student Representative Council (SRC) with students from all year levels participating. The SRC meets regularly to follow up issues raised through classroom meetings. Students, with staff support, contribute to decisions made within the school and initiate projects that benefit the school and its community.

A buddy program operates with all classes with dedicated time for older students to work in class groups with younger students each fortnight, to build connections across the school student community.
Additional student support and connections are built in the yard at playtimes through our PALs (Play at Lunchtimes) program. Trained year 6 volunteers assist younger students to develop their social skills and interactions with others through positive play, centred around our Buddy Bench. Children who are feeling a little lost or who can’t find someone to play with can head to the Buddy Bench where our Year 6 volunteers will assist them to connect with others through a fun game or play activity.

The Performing Arts are highly valued within the school. A dedicated performing arts program conducted by a specialist teacher provides weekly lessons for all year levels R-6 in drama, music, media arts and dance over the course of the year. Additionally students from years 3-6 have the opportunity to learn a range of string instruments (violin, viola and cello) through the Dept for Education Instrumental Music program. All students in years 5 and 6 also participate in a weekly ukulele program. Each year our Senior Choir, made up of years 5 and 6 students, performs in the Primary Schools Music Festival at the Festival Theatre. An annual end of year concert featuring items from all class groups as well as our specialist music programs brings together a showcase of talent which is celebrated with the whole school community.

Technology is another focus area within the school. A dedicated Digital Technologies program, which includes coding and programming, is taught by a specialist teacher for all year levels R-6 in the computer lab. Students in years R-2 access banks of school iPads for specific learning tasks in class while students in years 3-6 access school laptops for learning tasks across all curriculum areas. Students in years 3-6 also have access to banks of school iPads for use with specific learning tasks. All class teachers communicate with families through the seesaw app.

AUSLAN (Australian sign language) is taught from Reception to Year 6 as our school LOTE (Language other than English).

After-school sports are a focus supported by numbers of parent coaches and team managers, coordinated by our Sports Committee, with basketball being the school focus sport for inter school competition games. We also represent strongly in SAPSASA competitions in Athletics, Cross Country, and a range of team sports.

We work in a calm, bright and light environment with sound absorbent features throughout open classrooms, shared spaces and wet areas. Our extensive grounds and playing areas are continuously being developed.

Upcoming Events

Sports Day 9th April 2025.

Sunflower tile
Flower tile
Round floor mosaic in the shape of a bee

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners throughout South Australia and we pay respect to the custodians of the land on which we live and learn. We respect their spiritual relationship with Country and acknowledge that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to those living today.
We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and we acknowledge the cultural authority of Aboriginal people visiting from other areas of South Australia and Australia.

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